Be Well Clinic

It is better to do things together, including being on your health journey!

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
-African Proverb

The Be Well Clinic Community is about just that–providing a common place for people that find themselves on similar journeys. It is a place to have conversations and to be together.

A place to share information, tips, failures, resources and experiences.

A place where you can be understood and feel normal, instead of counter-cultural and strange. It is a place to be refreshed and encouraged on the way.

A place where you could find resources for food or other health-fulfilling services.

A place where you could learn about and get connected with practitioners in other disciplines like chiropractic, acupuncture, and more.

A place where new moms could come for breastfeeding clinics and connect with other moms in the community that follow the same health philosophy as them.


It is a place to learn and share and grow.

We believe that the body has the knowledge and ability to heal itself, and that we can support it by providing the right tools and building blocks for it to use.

We believe in finding and healing root issues, instead of covering or hiding symptoms with prescription and over-the-counter medications.

We use nutrition, lifestyle changes, and other time proven methods to support the body in healing.

We are an encouraging community.


Wsupport each other by acknowledging challenging circumstances, but we also choose to see the best in the situation, and live in gratitude instead of bitterness and complaining.

Wchoose to believe the best about people… whether they are friends, health care providers, family members, or ourselves.

We are together on this journey, and there is room for you.

Watch the journey of our clinic took through construction.

Our Mission Statement:

Be Well Clinic exists to bring about a change in the way we do healthcare everywhere. This change will be accomplished by empowering individuals through education, resources, and opportunities to participate with others in a like-minded community.


What Can You Do?

We can’t accomplish this without you. You are an important part of making this happen! Here’s how you can be part of this movement:

  • Educate yourself. Learn about how your body operates, heals, and is affected by things you eat and are exposed to.

  • Participate in your own healthcare and make decisions that are best for your body. Join us as we pursue our individual health journeys together, and contribute to our community as only you can.

  • Share this message with those around you who need it. Someone shared this with you—show your care by doing the same thing for someone else.

  • Business growth requires investors. If you’re interested in helping us grow, consider becoming a local investor. Contact us for more investor information.

At Be Well Clinic, we are passionate to change how healthcare is done, but we cannot do it alone! Join our movement and help us with our goal. Let’s see what we can accomplish together!