Video Library
We love sharing videos about natural and holistic health topics!
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about the be well clinic
Videos about real food
How to Make Apples, Carrots, and Protein Packs to Go
Learn how to make apple stars, carrot log cabins, and tic tac toe protein packs with celery, cheese and lamb.
Looking to stretch your food budget a little further? Here's a few tips on how to eat healthier on a budget.
Here's a few basics on how to start taking beet kvass and incorporating it into your daily routine.
Hot or cold, there's lots of ways to consume meat stock! I recommend consuming meat stock on a daily basis. Here's 8 ways to consume meat stock.
Recycling with Holiday Leftovers
We can recycle more than paper and plastic... how do you recycle your leftover food? Watch this video for some ideas!
You might already know sea salt is better for your health than iodized salt but did you know there are different varieties of sea salt?
Some people call Beet Kvass their gateway ferment. It's so quick to put together, and has many health benefits. Watch me make it in under a minute!
Ever wondered what this sprouted bread craze is all about? This video explains why it's important to prepare your grains properly, and why it matters.
Videos About the Gaps Diet
videos about natural Healthcare
Gallbladder health is a huge topic in our modern world. A huge percentage of Americans have had their gallbladders removed, and almost all of us have experienced the nausea, pain, cramping or even vomiting that goes along with gallbladder stress. Surgery is becoming the treatment of choice, but is that your only option?
As the seasons change, the world around us also adapts. Flowers bloom in the spring and summer, not in the cold and frozen winter. Over the winter the plants are lying in wait, gathering resources to bloom anew and spread their seeds. Just like them, our bodies are also made to respond to the season changes.
The endocrine system is a complex network or glands and organs, communicating with each other through hormones and other chemical messengers. If your endocrine system is off there is a good chance many other systems will become dysfunctional to some degree, causing symptoms.
How to Take Care of Yourself When You're Sick
In this video, we explore why we get sick and how to take care of yourself when you are sick.
How to Read Health Research Like a Professional
Reading medical research, or even articles about disease trends, which vitamin to take, or about the newest health trend can be confusing or overwhelming. In this video I should you how to apply a few simple techniques so you can read medical writings like a pro!
Why We're Not Afraid of Germs
Sanitizing and working to rid our environments of 99.9% of germs isn't the most beneficial way to keep ourselves from getting sick. Here are other ways to keep yourself well this season!
We all need sleep to be our best but sometimes sleep doesn't seem to come easily. Here are a few tips to getting your best rest!
Hair care companies want you to believe you need piles of chemicals to clean your hair. That's simply not true!
Besides being a vampire and staying indoors, there are ways to beat the heat this summer.
Did you know that not wearing sunglasses can improve your health? I'll give you a hint... it has to do with your circadian rhythm.
I feel in love with the idea of growing my own food. Then I tried it.
Learn more about how detoxing can help fight your allergy symptoms by boosting your liver.
It's All About that Poo
In the wise words of J.D. and Turk from Scrubs, The Muscial: "Everything comes down to poo." Do you know what your poo is trying to tell you?
Applying Iodine to the Skin
Iodine is so important! But unless we eat a lot of sea food, we are likely deficient in it (and iodinized salt doesn't really help, either!). But we can easily and safely apply iodine to our bodies, and even use that as a rough estimation of iodine status.
EMFs and Sleep
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) come off all electronic devices and can affect the quality of sleep we get. There are some things we can do to help improve our sleep. This week's video has some simple tips to get a better night's sleep.
Essential oil users know that certain oils should be diluted, but did you know that you should dilute every essential oil?
What to do about sweat?!?! This can be one of the most challenging questions when switching to more natural body care.
Feeling under the weather? Here's what to do!
Spending time next to a river, lake, or ocean brings us many health benefits!.
Learn more than recognizing strokes, but also about preventing them. One nutrient that provides great prevention is vitamin P. Ever heard of it?
Asthma is one of the common health concern in the civilized world. Our lungs are assaulted by toxins from the air, plastics, trans-fats, heavy metals, and more! We have also deprived our lungs of what it needs best to function--saturated animal fat!
So can we reverse this trend? What can we do?
Have you ever worried about your cholesterol? Then you need to watch this video and find out what useful things cholesterol markers can tell you.
Videos on natural family care
Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to connect with your baby, but what if it's not easy?
Colic is something that can and should be addressed at the root, but there are ways you can help you child be more comfortable in the meantime.
A demonstration of how to make the homemade raw milk formula published in Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.
my thoughts on the journey of healing
Healing Around the Holidays
The holidays can play a part in bringing deeper emotional healing. Find out what I mean in this video!
Around here we are all about slow and steady change. (Be the turtle 🐢).