Holistic Health Courses

Part of achieving our mission at Be Well Clinic is to change health care through educating everyone. We have many courses available for you to help you expand your knowledge base to the next level. Check out the descriptions below and get started!



We are very excited to announce our brand new Nutritional Healing Program, designed for those who are determined to heal their minds and bodies holistically, through food and naturopathic support. This program is more comprehensive and supportive than ever before. We have included 3 different levels of support to meet you where you are! This support includes increased 1:1 time with certified GAPS practitioners and coaches, work on the physical/emotional connection, individualized cooking instruction, videos, supplement and medication review, and more. Read the full blog post for detailed descriptions of each level, registration and application information.


Based on the GAPS nutritional healing protocol by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, this gut-healing course was designed to help parents bring healing to their little ones with simplicity and ease. This course provides tools, instruction and step-by-step guidance through the protocol, aimed to help you as a parent know that you are capable of healing your child and to do so as intuitively as possible.

Getting started on gaps

Getting Started on GAPS (GSOG) is for people seeking a basic, yet comprehensive virtual GAPS education with instructional support to learn how to prepare for and practice skills needed to implement the GAPS Nutritional Protocol.


Family health reset

This course is designed to guide mothers in helping their families grow healthier together. This 6-week course includes a 4-week "Nutrition Reset:" take a break from sugar and fake foods and give your family foods that are not only wholesome, but also are known to heal. Each week will consist of workbook pages and guidance as you learn about how the body works and how to help it work better with the food that you eat.

Feeding your autistic Child

In this course, you will find a Pantry Clean-out Guide, downloadable Recipes, Happy Mealtime Tips, Progress Tracking, and Additional Resources. You will also have lifetime access to the information in this course, so you can go back and review any time you like!

go clean: detoxing your home and lifestyle

In this course we dive deep into the topic of toxins. While reading and watching videos, you will learn how your child's body is designed to remove toxins, how to reduce or eliminate toxin exposure, and gentle methods to encourage detoxification.