Breastfeeding is an amazing phenomenon. The mother's body makes customized food for her child, the contents and ratios in her milk changing every feeding to meet the specific needs of her baby at that time. While this is a natural process, there are many things that can go wrong. If you are like most mothers, you were told that this is a "natural process," and taught little to nothing about how to successfully breastfeed. Sometime this works, but many times one thing or another goes wrong. Some of these challenges are overcome, but other times breastfeeding has to be stopped, leaving the mother feeling like a failure.
I want to change this! It takes knowledge, skill and sometimes external interventions to successfully breastfeed. All things related to breastfeeding can be influenced, including milk supply issues, tongue and lip tie, bad latch, pain with nursing, constant feeding, colic, and more!
In this class I will address the common issues with breastfeeding and give you solutions to overcome them. This class is for all mothers, whether you have other children already, or are expecting your first baby! Join us on YouTube live at 7pm to ask your questions and receive answers right then! See you then!