I have long had a dream of Be Well Clinic being a hub for the community.

A place where you could find resources for food or other health-fulfilling services.

A place where you could learn about and get connected with practitioners in other disciplines like chiropractic, acupuncture, and more.

A place where new moms could come for breastfeeding clinics and connect with other moms in the community that follow the same health philosophy as them.

And a place where we could teach as many classes as we want, as often as we want!

(Have I mentioned how excited I am about this?)

Watch the videos below to learn more about our new space in Loveland, Colorado!

To fit this criteria we looked for a space that is centrally located (our Be Well Community is spread out all along the Front Range) and is big enough to accommodate all the classes, connections and future growth.

And we found one! It is located at The Outlets at Loveland (no longer an outlet mall—times have moved on), right next to the Tommy Hilfiger store. It is big and empty… a perfect clean slate for constructing our facility.

We are SO excited!!!!

Here’s a look at the basic layout we are thinking for this new space:


We will construct multiple rooms of variable sizes. Some uses of these rooms are: office and exam rooms, a breast feeding and weight-check room, a small class room, office and exam spaces available to rent to other practitioners, and a room for heart sound recording, more!

There is a bathroom and storage room already, and the large (14x21 ft.) waiting room area will also double as a classroom space. We already have so many plans to fill and use this space!

We need investors!

Construction costs money. With my (Amy’s) connections I have been able to reduce some of the costs significantly, but some investor input is needed to build this hub of connection and support. We are gathering funds using the principles of Loca-vesting: where people who are local or who are connected with this community are the ones who are investing, instead of a cold, un-related bank. This type of investment is amazing for building up a local economy.

Learn more about it in this Ted Talk.

Will you help us?

The total amount we need for construction and the extra expenses (including additional staff, office equipment and marketing) is $90,000.

Here's our Progress:

This is totally doable!

You may be having a bit of sticker-shock right now, but this is actually a lower-budget project compared to what many businesses spend in investment capital. There are a few reasons we are able to keep the number so low. One of those is because we are an established business with a steady stream of income. But in order to jump to the next level we need an infusion of cash.

What can you do?

#1 Be Excited! 
The most important thing to us is that you are excited with us! You are part of this… you have been part of making this happen.

#2 Talk to people 
Let people know what’s going on here! You never know where a conversation might lead. If you believe in Be Well Clinic’s mission, help us share it! Share this page, our PDF proposal, or share the graphics at the bottom of this page on your own social media.

#3 Connect us with investors
Do you know any investors who are looking for opportunities? Please forward this information on to them.

#4 Consider investing yourself
Are you looking for an investment opportunity? You can financially be part of what’s happening and have a great return on your investment. You can invest with as little as $500. Keep reading for more details.

Basic investment details are:

-Investment length is 3 years
-You receive quarterly interest payments at an annual interest rate of 4%
-At the end of 3 years we will return your full original investment amount in full

(This is basically like a 3 year CD with a higher interest rate and you get to invest in something more than money!)

We Can’t Wait!

We are hoping to be into the new space by the 1st of January, 2019. Things happen slower than we want them to in the world of red tape and bureaucracy, but as long as everything flows smoothly, this is possible. In order to finish by the end of the year we need to have 90% of the full investment amount in the bank in the next 2 weeks (sooner is always better). If it takes a little more time to gather investments then it will just push things back a bit (but we have great plans for January so we really want to be in the space by then!)

We hope you consider how you can share or invest.
Thank you!


Amy and the Be Well Clinic Team

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If you believe in Be Well Clinic’s mission, help us share it! Share this page, our PDF proposal, or share the graphics below on your own social media.

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