Real food resources
Here are some resources to find real food in your community.
Come Pick Up at the Clinic!
Need your meat or fat today? Give us a call! We often have meat, organs, and fat from Field to Front Door in stock. You can also choose Be Well Clinic as your drop off point to pick up your Field to Front orders.
You can also pick up raw milk from Ebert’s Farm, cheese, honey, eggs, yogurt, and butter Wednesdays at the clinic. Sign up as an Ebert’s Farm member here first.
* = means we carry this in the clinic and you can pick it up from us!
Sunrise Ranch
Jodar Farms
Field to Front Door *
Wild Pastures
Cod Liver Oil
Green Pastures *
Salt and Minerals
Baja Gold Salt
Celtic Sea Salt
Real Salt
Magnesium Bath Flakes
Iodine (Lugol’s Solution) *
Oyster Max *
Shopping & Gardening Blogs:
What are Nutrient Dense Foods
How to Shop for Nutrient Dense Foods
Garden Fresh Vegetables without a Garden
Dairy Products
Ebert’s Farm *
Shiloh Farm
The Pig & The Plow
Fields of Athenry Farm
Miller’s Organic Farm
Prescript Assist
Life Start Infant Bifidum
Dessicated Liver
Vital Proteins
Radiant Life
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