Because we believe that we are all one person… physical, spiritual, and emotional beings all in one. When I (Amy) first started studying healing, I started with the physical. After all, isn’t that what needs to be healed… our physical bodies? But as I helped my body heal, and worked with more and more patients I realized that focusing on physical symptoms is not enough. That’s because we aren’t just physical beings. Our physical bodies are constantly being influenced by emotions… either our emotions and feelings, or the emotions from people around us.
Amy has been hard at work on her new course, “Getting Started on GAPS (GSOG): Practice & Prep for a Successful GAPS Experience”. GSOG is open to all who are seeking a basic, yet comprehensive virtual GAPS education with instructional support to learn how to prepare for and practice skills needed to implement the GAPS Nutritional Protocol.
Do you or someone you love have a baby who is ready to start eating food besides breast milk or formula? Does your baby have symptoms of leaky gut such as trouble sleeping, rashes, eczema, or colic, or have they been on medications or formula? If so, Hollie has created an online course just for you!
GAPS OnCon was February 17-19 and it was amazing! The conference emphasized 3 body systems: Endocrine (hormones!), Immunity, and Cardiovascular. Some of our favorite people presented, and my (Hollie’s) course on Baby GAPS and Amy’s course on Getting Started on GAPS were featured!
What a wild ride we are on! This past year has been an explosion of growth and change! I know that has been true for many people, but let me bring you along for the ride that Be Well Clinic has been having the last year, and give you a sneak peak into what we are thinking for next year.
When we talk about health, our first stop must be the digestive system - not only the basic organs and where food goes, but also the several key “big ideas” of digestion, what can go wrong, and how to simply correct these problems to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate treatment. This is an important topic for everyone to understand, but especially for parents to know how to assess and help their children when it comes to gastro-intestinal issues.
Science is exploring questions and trying to find out what is true as a principle. Searching for the answer as truth. Science is not manipulating the data to support your cause. If you are not allowed to question something, it is not science. When a principle is true it is always true.
Simply put, science is knowledge about, or study of the natural world, based on facts learned through experiments and observation. The method we use in science is: Observe, question, hypothesize, experiment, analyze and conclude. Remember talking about the scientific method as a child? As a society, but also as individuals, we need to get back to understanding the importance of following the scientific method ourselves and teaching our children to be scientists.
There’s so much going on in our world right now. What do you do when you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, or unsure of where to spend your time and energy?
Has this question been on your mind? Are you toying with the idea of homeschooling your child but unsure if you should or can? If so, more than ever, you are not alone. Across the United States, parents are trying to decide how to raise their children in a way that is congruent with their beliefs and finding that this may not include sending their kids to school. As parents weigh their options, homeschooling is becoming increasingly more appealing, although perhaps no less daunting.
Ever since we first heard about coronavirus, I have been asked my opinion about what it is, how to stay well, and many other specific and general questions. I don’t mind… I love teaching! And various questions would prompt me to look into angles and subjects I would not have otherwise studied. And I have been promising you this article for a couple weeks now… well at least an article!
This past week I once again looked a mother in the eyes as she wondered what she was doing wrong, why her child has this persistent issue or symptom that won’t go away no matter what she has tried! It breaks my heart! Mothers have enough voices in this culture lying to them, telling them they are bad moms; and now here comes seemingly more proof that they have failed!
It’s been a long time since I have written about my “thoughts on the journey” of my own healing. This is primarily because I have arrived at a pretty decent level of healing! While there are still “dusty corners” that need some attending, for the most part my day-to-day operating is what I (and others) would call healthy!
So the unfortunate fact is that stress is something we interact with on a regular basis. But just because it’s around us doesn’t mean that we have to participate in it, or even fight it. But before we can properly deal with stress, we first need to understand exactly what it is.
Worried about the holidays? Do you run into problems because of your diet? This article will help!
In 2006, a book was published that sought to give the reader a better understanding of where their food comes from. The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan followed three major tracks, or sourcing, of food. The public reaction to this book was significant and varied, and it evoked discussion from vegetarians and meat-lovers alike.
When I read, watch or listen to a story that shows gives me a glimpse or sniff of the epic, there is something inside me that reaches deep, finds courage, or gathers strength to face whatever I am facing in my life. Or reminds me that my life is pretty easy... that happens too.
Do you feel tired all the time? It's time to rest! Rest is more than just sleeping. It is taking time to re-orient yourself in the world.
Hollie answers the 5 most frequent breastfeeding questions from her personal and professional experience as a mother of 3 who is still breastfeeding her youngest(Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner, Certified GAPS practitioner, Registered Nurse and Course Creator.