Hollie answers the 5 most frequent breastfeeding questions from her personal and professional experience as a mother of 3 who is still breastfeeding her youngest(Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner, Certified GAPS practitioner, Registered Nurse and Course Creator.
I believe that everyone should have a grandmother who passes her family’s healing traditions down to future generations. While they are often called “old wives tales,” these healing traditions are usually founded in profound wisdom and have been successful in reducing symptoms for centuries. I am one of those blessed to have a grandma like this in my life.
Summer is in full swing and there is a lot of talk about how to be “safe in the sun.” I would like to turn the conversation around. Instead of talking about “safety,” I want to talk about optimizing our time in the sun. I do not think that we were made to constantly be thinking about safety. I do, however, think that we should wisely consider how to optimize our health.
Because we believe that we are all one person… physical, spiritual, and emotional beings all in one. When I (Amy) first started studying healing, I started with the physical. After all, isn’t that what needs to be healed… our physical bodies? But as I helped my body heal, and worked with more and more patients I realized that focusing on physical symptoms is not enough. That’s because we aren’t just physical beings. Our physical bodies are constantly being influenced by emotions… either our emotions and feelings, or the emotions from people around us.
Do you or someone you love have a baby who is ready to start eating food besides breast milk or formula? Does your baby have symptoms of leaky gut such as trouble sleeping, rashes, eczema, or colic, or have they been on medications or formula? If so, Hollie has created an online course just for you!
When we talk about health, our first stop must be the digestive system - not only the basic organs and where food goes, but also the several key “big ideas” of digestion, what can go wrong, and how to simply correct these problems to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate treatment. This is an important topic for everyone to understand, but especially for parents to know how to assess and help their children when it comes to gastro-intestinal issues.
Simply put, science is knowledge about, or study of the natural world, based on facts learned through experiments and observation. The method we use in science is: Observe, question, hypothesize, experiment, analyze and conclude. Remember talking about the scientific method as a child? As a society, but also as individuals, we need to get back to understanding the importance of following the scientific method ourselves and teaching our children to be scientists.
Has this question been on your mind? Are you toying with the idea of homeschooling your child but unsure if you should or can? If so, more than ever, you are not alone. Across the United States, parents are trying to decide how to raise their children in a way that is congruent with their beliefs and finding that this may not include sending their kids to school. As parents weigh their options, homeschooling is becoming increasingly more appealing, although perhaps no less daunting.
Let’s face it - GAPS is for healing. Deep, intense, necessary healing. The purpose is not for having fun. However, with a few tools and strategies, I believe parents can make just about anything (more) fun. Here are a few of the strategies I have used with my kids to bring fun into GAPS.
The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs, communicating with each other through hormones and other chemical messengers. It regulates a large variety of functions in our body, and if your endocrine system is off, there is a good chance you are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance.
How do you start feeding your baby so that you can give them the gift of health? When I had my first baby I was terrified that she would have a peanut allergy. It seemed like one of those things that just happened, like drawing the short end of the stick. I had no idea that what I allowed into my baby’s body would help determine whether or not she developed allergies, sensitivities and other health issues.
We can get ill for a variety of reasons and the effects can linger in our bodies for weeks, months, or sometimes years. The good news is we can help our bodies recover! Read on to learn more about helping your body recover after a long illness.
Our lungs are obviously essential for life! Healing our lungs can be tricky because they are something we have to keep using frequently even in the midst of healing. In this article, we’ll share more to help you understand the lungs function, what can harm the lungs and how they get hurt, and, finally, what the lungs need to heal.
A liver shot is so great for your body! It’s a quick way to get the important vitamins and minerals that liver provides for your body. Desiccated liver is also a great option since it is raw, dehydrated liver. However, desiccated liver can be cost prohibitive. Liver shots are far more cost effective (grass fed liver is around $3 a pound here.) Liver shots are also raw. ⅔ of the nutrients that liver contains are lost when you cook it. You won’t taste the liver at all!
Castor Oil Packs are a delightfully basic, time proven method of encouraging detox, promoting bowel movements, and inspiring healing. Creating a castor oil pack is easy and cost effective. Only a few supplies are necessary, and you may already have some of them in your home!
Water is essential for our bodies and our health for two major reasons. One, as we are well hydrated, our cells are able to easily detox. Toxins are able to be flushed out of the body and our cells are overall more healthy as they are well hydrated. The second reason we need water is for energy. We are electrical beings and maintaining properly hydrated cells and systems allows conduction of electrical signals and energy production and overall best communication and function of our body.
Ah salt. This poor mineral has been demonized, much like fat, and many of us were taught it is unhealthy or leads to health problems like heart disease. In actuality, the “salt” used by many of us, especially fast food, that leads to these problems is extremely processed, often with chemicals, and bears little resemblance to natural salt. True sea salts contain many trace minerals that our body needs to be healthy and add flavor to our cooking.
Nowadays, some mothers are led to make the decision to not breastfeed due to the availability of formula, jobs outside of the home, lack of community, incorrect information, etc. However, most of the challenges to breastfeeding can be overcome with a little information and support! Let’s talk about the benefits of breastfeeding and the support that is available to you so that you can be equipped to make the best decision for your family.
Books that include the statistics of disease prevention and what affects vaccinations had or did not have on reducing deaths from infectious disease. Including supporting historical charts from government agencies as well as discussion of the history of many diseases.
For years, Be Well Clinic has been providing support for those healing the symptoms listed above using the GAPS Nutritional Protocol. In order to support those who come to us more comprehensively, we have created this new program to include built-in features that we have found to be invaluable to our patients in the past.
This fall we piloted our new way of doing GAPS support. We have developed a new curriculum, established various means of support and worked out a few technological kinks so that we could be ready to present our new official program for supporting those going through the GAPS Nutritional Protocol in 2023!
Here are some of the features of our GAPS Program that differentiate it from other GAPS programs: