The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs, communicating with each other through hormones and other chemical messengers. It regulates a large variety of functions in our body, and if your endocrine system is off, there is a good chance you are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance.
Check out my basic diagram of the Endocrine System.
What is the role of hormones in our body? Well, hormones are basically chemical messengers with different jobs to enact change in your body. Hormones tell us to grow, to breathe, to digest, to develop, to move and so much more.
What are hormones made of? One of the major ingredients in building hormones is cholesterol. One of the reasons the body makes cholesterol, because the body needs it! That’s why it is so important to eat healthy animal fats. If we do not have enough building blocks to make a hormone, we cannot make hormones.
What symptoms might point to a disfunction in the endocrine system?
High Cholesterol
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms
Imbalanced Hormones
Estrogen Dominance
Thinning Hair
Heavy Periods
Weight Gain
Sleeplessness or Insomnia
Painful Joints
How to we support this complex system of functions? How do we balance our hormones? Let’s look at these three areas in detail:
Stress Management
Removing and/or Reducing Toxins