I did not grow up eating organs. Just like most people, I was disgusted at the thought of eating liver. I didn’t make much effort to eat organ meat, especially livers. I did try to use a chicken liver in most pots of stock that I made. Over time, I have come to enjoy the taste of organ meats. Although, I still only like liver prepared certain ways.
It’s important to get grass-fed liver from healthy animals. You can tell the health of your liver by looking at it! It should be a dark red color. Unhealthy livers will be a pale, almost brown color. That shows a liver that’s aged or from an unhealthy animal and should not be used. It should be a robust red and not mushy.
A well prepared liver is the key to enjoying it. Some livers, like chicken livers, are mild enough to be cooked without any additional preparation. But beef liver, being from a larger animal, can be quite strong in flavor. There are ways however to diminish the strength of liver flavor by soaking it in whole milk (raw preferred!), apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice.
How to Calm the Flavor of Beef Liver
Beef liver, being from a larger animal, can be quite strong in flavor. There are ways however to diminish the strength of liver flavor.
How To Do a Liver Shot
Liver shots a quick way to get the important vitamins and minerals that liver provides for your body, without paying for dessicated liver capsules.
Liver Pate Recipe
You can make pate out of any type of liver, but chicken liver is the most mild, so that is a great one to start with if you are not used to eating liver.
Liver Meatball Recipe
This is a recipe that I recommend to a lot of moms! It’s a great way to help your kids eat a little bit of liver every day, which is the best way to eat liver.
Bacon Wrapped Liver
This is a basic recipe but you can experiment in adding other things to your stuffing mixture like onions, cheese, cream cheese, carrots, etc.