A New GAPS Book Almost Published

It has been somewhat of a secret project, not because it needed to be, but because I had no idea if or when this would actually happen, but now it has! There will soon be some new resources to those on the GAPS diet... I am excited to announce... I am about to become a published author! I have been quiet (alright, absent) on this blog for a little while because it has been crunchtime for the book and journal that are about to be published.  

Here is what you need to know..

Both of these GAPS resources will be available this coming Monday, November 28th (Cyber Monday) on Amazon.

Introducing: Notes From a GAPS Practitioner: Using Diet to Unlock the Body's Healing Secrets, available in paperback or Kindle In her review of my book, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride included this (see the entire review here):

"Amy was able to combine her personal experience with the clinical observations from her patients. That is why her book has an unmistakable quality of genuine information, from a person who knows what she is talking about."

I am also publishing My Daily Insights: A GAPS Journal on Amazon. It will be available in paperback (because you can't journal on Kindle), also beginning November 28th. My vision with this journal is not only to give you a place to keep track of so many useful things in one place, but to provide a place for people on this health journey to build community. You can read more about how here.

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Notes From a GAPS Practitioner

My Daily Insights: A Daily GAPS Journal