It is more difficult than ever to raise a health child these days. But our bodies are so amazing! Feeding good and nourishing food, supporting the microbiome, treating illnesses naturally, and avoiding as many toxins as possible are some ways you can support your child’s body, allowing it to grow as strong as healthy as possible! Here are my top recommendations on raising healthy children.
Let me know in the comments if you have a good book you recommend on the subject!
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care
If you only have one book, this is the one book I recommend as you’re starting your family. This book discusses both physical and emotional ways to keep yourself well and nourished during pregnancy, and Sally pulls together the traditions of many cultures in raising healthy babies throughout human history.
Prenatal Nutrition & Birth Defects - Mark R. Anderson
This is a quick reference book that summarizes the what certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies during pregnancy can cause. It is sold by Selene River Press. This is a great book for practitioners, as well as expectant and soon-to-be expectant mothers to ensure their bodies have everything they need to grow healthy babies.
Your Baby’s Microbiome
A further discussion of the research done for the documentary Microbirth, which outlined study and research done by scientists to see the importance a microbiome has on a newborn baby.
The Symphony of Reflexes
This book describes how persistent primitive reflexes in a child or adult can cause behavioral or learning difficulties. It describes what these reflexes are, what it looks like if they are still present, and exercises you can do at home to help your child successfully integrate these reflexes into your nervous system.
Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies - Stephanie Fritz
Essential oil use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is different. This is a great book that outlines their safe use during pregnancy, birth and babies. This book has more text and explanation, as opposed to the spiral bound books (also in this post) which give more tables of information.
Nutritional Herbology: A Guide to Herbs
This is the only herb reference book that I own and use. I want to be clear that I’m not trained as an herbologist, but this book gives helpful information including cautions for use with children, during breastfeeding and pregnancy, and recommended dosages. I use it often!
From Mac and Cheese to Veggies Please
This amazing book was written by a GAPS Practitioner. In it she shares her insight into helping children (even the most picky eaters) enjoy nourishing foods. This book is written to help with any dietary changes, it’s not exclusive to people wanting to follow the GAPS Diet.
Essential Oils for Maternity
There are multiple editions of this book from This is a great reference books for pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, postpartum and baby care. It contains information about how to safely use therapeutic essential oils in pregnancy, breastfeeding and with infants. It was written by a midwife who uses essential oils regularly in her practice.