Holistic Healthcare

Healing and Maintaining Lung Health

Healing and Maintaining Lung Health

Our lungs are obviously essential for life! Healing our lungs can be tricky because they are something we have to keep using frequently even in the midst of healing. In this article, we’ll share more to help you understand the lungs function, what can harm the lungs and how they get hurt, and, finally, what the lungs need to heal.

The Importance of Putting Up Ferments in the Fall

The Importance of Putting Up Ferments in the Fall

The end of summer and beginning of fall offers us an abundance of great produce, whether it’s from our own garden or from farmers. While we can, in theory, continually purchase produce from the grocery store, we get better quality and more cost effective produce if we eat seasonally and locally. This great produce is only available at certain times of the year and it has to be stored somehow!

How to Do Liver Shots

How to Do Liver Shots

A liver shot is so great for your body! It’s a quick way to get the important vitamins and minerals that liver provides for your body. Desiccated liver is also a great option since it is raw, dehydrated liver. However, desiccated liver can be cost prohibitive. Liver shots are far more cost effective (grass fed liver is around $3 a pound here.) Liver shots are also raw. ⅔ of the nutrients that liver contains are lost when you cook it. You won’t taste the liver at all!

Effects of Social Distancing on the Body and Mind

Effects of Social Distancing on the Body and Mind

Social Connection has long been known to be a necessary part of health. An article in Science from 1988 stated, “Social relationships, or the relative lack thereof, constitute a major risk factor for health - rivaling the effect of well established health risk factors such as cigarette smoking, blood pressure, blood lipids, obesity and physical activity” (House, 1988).

3 Tips for Staying Hydrated

3 Tips for Staying Hydrated

Water is essential for our bodies and our health for two major reasons. One, as we are well hydrated, our cells are able to easily detox. Toxins are able to be flushed out of the body and our cells are overall more healthy as they are well hydrated. The second reason we need water is for energy. We are electrical beings and maintaining properly hydrated cells and systems allows conduction of electrical signals and energy production and overall best communication and function of our body.

How to Choose the Best Salt

How to Choose the Best Salt

Ah salt. This poor mineral has been demonized, much like fat, and many of us were taught it is unhealthy or leads to health problems like heart disease. In actuality, the “salt” used by many of us, especially fast food, that leads to these problems is extremely processed, often with chemicals, and bears little resemblance to natural salt. True sea salts contain many trace minerals that our body needs to be healthy and add flavor to our cooking.

Book Recommendations on Vaccine Research

Book Recommendations on Vaccine Research

Books that include the statistics of disease prevention and what affects vaccinations had or did not have on reducing deaths from infectious disease. Including supporting historical charts from government agencies as well as discussion of the history of many diseases.

Book Recommendations on Natural Pet Care

Book Recommendations on Natural Pet Care

Many of us have pets, and we want the best for them! Pets do best on good, nourishing foods, and in an environment where you are supporting them. Support could look like understanding and responding to their cues, or feeding them well. It can also look like engaging with them to train and to play, which will also lower their anxiety and let them know you are in charge, so they can enjoy life!

Book Recommendations on EMFs and Grounding

Book Recommendations on EMFs and Grounding

Our bodies are electromagnetic. Many electrical communications happen within our bodies, and we also interact with our environment. We will be exposed to both positive and negative influences to our electromagnetic system. It’s important to know what EMF influences you should avoid, and how to take steps to rebalance our own system.

My Thoughts on COVID-19

My Thoughts on COVID-19

Ever since we first heard about coronavirus, I have been asked my opinion about what it is, how to stay well, and many other specific and general questions. I don’t mind… I love teaching! And various questions would prompt me to look into angles and subjects I would not have otherwise studied. And I have been promising you this article for a couple weeks now… well at least an article!

Nutritional Resources

Nutritional Resources

Many of us have recently found ourselves thrown more into our kitchens. I am very excited about this because, of course, I believe in the healing power of real food! But depending on how you were raised and what you were taught at home and at school, you may be feeling overwhelmed and intimidated.

Why You Can’t Raise a Healthy Child on the Standard American Diet

Why You Can’t Raise a Healthy Child on the Standard American Diet

This past week I once again looked a mother in the eyes as she wondered what she was doing wrong, why her child has this persistent issue or symptom that won’t go away no matter what she has tried! It breaks my heart! Mothers have enough voices in this culture lying to them, telling them they are bad moms; and now here comes seemingly more proof that they have failed!

Coronavirus: What You Can Do About it!

Coronavirus: What You Can Do About it!

I imagine that, like mine, your last month or so has been full of fighting fears and wondering about the future. Between the coronavirus that has been globally spreading, to censorship and legislation that has been threatening our personal and parental freedoms, this has been easy to do. This, of course, is on top of the normal fear and pressure of inadequacy we can feel every time we scroll social media or turn on the news.

How to Apply Iodine to Your Skin

How to Apply Iodine to Your Skin

Iodine is an important mineral for our bodies. Iodine is used by the body to make hormones in your thyroid. Fluorine and chlorine compete with iodine to by used in your thyroid because they’re a similar enough molecule. Both fluorine and chlorine are toxic to our cells, meaning they damage the cells function. If there is not enough iodine in your cells, your body will quickly uptake whatever it can find that’s closest - meaning fluorine and chlorine.

All About Fruits and Vegetables

Sweet fruits! Is there anything better than a juicy peach on a summer’s day or a bright red strawberry, straight from the garden and bursting with tart flavor? And vegetables! Their cooling crunch, the endless ways to season them up and add them to everything.

Plants like fruits and vegetables cleanse our bodies. They help our bodies to process and remove the toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis from the environment around us, even if we do our best to avoid toxins. We mostly benefit from the fiber, antioxidants, enzymes, and other detoxifying substances.

Drinking fresh juices made up of both fruits and vegetables is one of the easiest ways to enjoy the rich nutritional benefits of produce. Adding fruit into juices will especially help children in getting all the benefits that juicing can offer.

Fruits, nuts, and other treats should be limited, even on Full GAPS. So treat yourself to an occasional piece of fruit but don’t overdo it! To see a full list of fruits and vegetables that are acceptable on the GAPS Diet, click here.

Good Fruits and Vegetables: The Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen

If you’re on a strict food budget or looking for a small change that can have a large impact, try purchasing “The Clean 15.” A non-profit group called the Environmental Working Group conducts ongoing research about pesticides that are in (and on) our food and creates a guide to produce pesticides, which they update every year. They rank 48 popular fruits and vegetables, with the “Clean 15” being the top fifteen fruits and vegetables with the least amount of pesticides.

For fruits in 2019, the “Clean 15” which you can purchase the non-organic versions are:

  • Avocados

  • Pineapples

  • Papayas

  • Kiwi

  • Cantaloupe

  • Honeydew Melons

For vegetables in 2019, the "Clean 15" which you can purchase the non-organic versions are:

  • Sweet Corn

  • Sweet Peas

  • Onions

  • Eggplants

  • Asparagus

  • Cabbage

  • Cauliflower

  • Broccoli

  • Mushrooms

A note on Genetically Engineered seeds: The Environmental Working Group has said that a small amount of papaya, sweet corn, and summer squash sold in the U.S. is produced from Genetically Engineered seeds. To avoid Genetically Engineered produce, buy papayas organic.


Conversely, the “Dirty Dozen” are fruits that you really want to purchase organically. These are the top twelve fruits and vegetables that contain pesticides so to keep yourself toxin free, it’s important to purchase organic.

For fruits in 2019, the “Dirty Dozen” that should be purchased organically are:

  • Strawberries

  • Nectarines

  • Apples

  • Grapes

  • Peaches

  • Cherries

  • Pears

For vegetables in 2019, the "Dirty Dozen" that should be purchased organically are:

  • Spinach

  • Kale

  • Tomatoes

  • Celery

  • Potatoes

  • Hot Peppers

Better Fruits and Vegetables: Purchasing High Quality Organic Always

Organic means produce is grown without synthetic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or genetically modified organisms.  Purchasing all of your fruits and vegetables organically is beneficial for you and beneficial for the plant! If you’re looking for the better choice in produce, try purchasing high quality organic fruits and vegetables.


Best Fruits and Vegetables: Eating Local and in Season

The best choice when it comes to choosing fruits and vegetables is to eat local and in season fruit. Eating in season means your food is fresher and better tasting! Eating local is also better for the environment because your food travels less miles to be on your table.

To buy local, in season fruits and vegetables, you can check for local farming co-ops or farmer’s markets. Buying local also means you’re supporting a small business. It’s a win-win-win all around! Or consider growing your own fruits and vegetables if you have the space!

To find in-season fruits and vegetables no matter where you are, try the Seasonal Food Guide website.